An Ultimerse of Diversity

  • By: Timothy Best
  • MARCH 2022

The Why 

One of our studio pillars is “Diversity” and I want to talk about it for a second, because I know it’s word that can be pretty loaded. It should be pretty simple:

We make games. We want to be creative. There’s a universe of unlimited imagination out there. We want to explore as many corners as possible. Taking inspiration from what’s happening on centre stage is gimme, but we also want to vibe with the vast world subcultures and funky-little communities out there that are alive and crackling with energy. 

We want to make interesting and different stuff that sizzles and pops. We don’t want flat stereotypes, pointlessly recycled tropes or lazy jokes (except puns, I love those).

We’ve built a team that helps us do all that, but that’s just part one. We want to hear from you. Hear your voice. We want to share ideas and stories about our favourite games and music and comics and trash TV series. We want to hang out. We want to dance with you and share the light-up floor. We love you and we’re going to try to be the best hosts we can possibly be.

Being A Good Host (And Keeping the Party Vibe)

Different points of view help us see more of the world, and see it more fully.  There’s a narrow exception that’s in place to protect all the wonderful people we do manage to get together.

“We can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist.”
— James Baldwin

When people start being that guest, let us know. We’ll keep our eyes out too. Please, don’t be that muppet taking other people’s drinks, changing sound system to Dronecore in the middle of a banging 80s megamix or pushing people off the dance floor. We want a big, diverse community of people who can be cool, welcoming and be kind. If you want to be “edgy” — live your best life and all — but take it walking.

We don’t feel the need to engage in debate with anyone trying to justify things including (but not limited to) sexism, racism, transphobia, able-ism or age-ism, no matter how politely they wrap those flaming poop bags. If you are trying to advocate for the devil (he’s doing just fine) or if you are trying to force “helpful advice” on other people just living their lives without hurting anyone … we’ll show you the door. If you are cool, welcoming and kind, you’ll always be on our VIP list.

Timothy C Best
Ultimerse Creative Lead
